
Did you know that Cannabidiol (CBD) is:

• A compound of cannabis (there are over 80)

• Non-psychoactive (will not get you high)

• Shown in studies to have anti-tumour effects (kills cancer)

• A stronger antioxidant than vitamins C and E

• A strong anti-inflammatory (fights autoimmune disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s etc)

• Combats Diabetes

… and so much more…

And it has a better safety profile than sugar?!

CBD Made Easy! simplifies the science behind these claims, explains exactly how this miracle compound works in your body, and shows you the cited studies that your doctor needs to read.

Chapters include:

What is Cannabidiol?
What are the Health Benefits?
What does it do?
How does it work?

CDB Made Eay! covers a list of ailments that CBD has been proven to help, including;
• Cancer
• Alzheimer’s
• Diabetes
• Epilepsy
• Pain (tissue injury, neuropathic)
• Inflammatory disorders
• Psychosis
• Addiction
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Acne
• Multiple Sclerosis

and more!

If you are a patient or care giver looking for answers and help,

If you are a supplier of hemp oil to those in need and your customers have more questions than you have time,

Or you just want to know what the world-wide fuss is about Cannabidiol,

CBD Made Easy! was written to save you both time and money, and to help those who need this information now.

Buy the Book
Medical Marijuana